bio-based and bioengineered chemical products, bioplastics, specialty enzymes for chemical synthesis and vitamins for food and feed applications



Compared to conventional plastics, many bioplastics can be produced in a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way, as they have a lower CO2 footprint. Biodegradable plastics are designed to break down naturally through biological processes, e.g. through the action of microorganisms under suitable environmental conditions. They can come from both renewable and fossil sources. Bio-based plastics offer several advantages, such as the reduced use of fossil raw materials, and can therefore make an active contribution to climate protection. The consistent use of biomass as a raw material for plastics can save considerable amounts of greenhouse gas emissions compared to the use of fossil raw materials. Bio-based plastics can be used in a wide range of applications, including in the packaging, consumer goods, agricultural, textile and automotive industries. Due to their biodegradability, some bioplastics are able to decompose into their starting materials through microbial action. This has a direct impact on the environment by reducing pollution and avoiding additional waste.

Durch ihre biologisch Abbaubarkeit sind einige Biokunststoffe in der Lage, sich durch mikrobielle Einwirkung in ihre Ausgangsstoffe zu zersetzen. Dies hat eine direkte Auswirkung auf die Umwelt durch eine verringerte Belastung und durch die Vermeidung von zusätzlichen Abfallmengen.