
Dodecanedioic Acid (DDDA, DC12)



  • CAS-Number: 693-23-2

  • EINECS-Number: 211-746-3

  • Molecular formula: C12H22O4

  • REACH: registered


  • 1,12-Dodecanedioic acid

  • 1,10-Decanedicarboxylic acid

  • DDDA

  • DC12


DC12 (1,12-dodecanedioic acid) is a long-chain dicarboxylic acid that is present as a high-purity, white powder.

Dodecanedioic acid, also known as DDDA or DC12, is a dicarboxylic acid with the chemical formula C12H22O4. It belongs to the family of aliphatic organic dicarboxylic acids and contains two terminal carboxylic acid functional groups (-COOH).

Dodecanedioic acid consists of a linear carbon backbone with 12 carbon atoms. The carbon chain gives the acid flexibility and hydrophobic properties. Dodecanedioic acid can be obtained from various sources, mainly from petrochemical raw materials. It is produced by the microbial fermentation of alkanes. The diacid is a white, crystalline solid with a relatively high melting point. It is slightly soluble in water, but dissolves in organic solvents such as diethyl ether.

Corvay arbeitet mit wettbewerbsfähigen und zuverlässigen Herstellern von Dodecandisäure zusammen, die auch über eine REACH-Zulassung verfügen. Somit ist Corvay ein verlässlicher Partner in der Lieferkette seiner Kunden. DDDA hat mehrere nützliche Eigenschaften, die sie für verschiedene Anwendungen wertvoll machen. Sie weist eine ausgezeichnete chemische Stabilität, Wärmebeständigkeit und geringe Flüchtigkeit auf. Sie ist außerdem ungiftig und biologisch abbaubar.

Please find below are some of the most common applications of DDDA:

Polyamides (PA):

Dodecandisäure wird als wichtiger Rohstoff für die Herstellung von Polyamiden verwendet. Sie kann z.B. mit Hexamethylendiamin zu PA 6,12 polymerisiert werden, das über eine ausgezeichnete chemische Beständigkeit sowie eine gute thermische Stabilität verfügt. Außerdem hat sie eine geringe Feuchtigkeitsaufnahme und weist daher eine exzellente Formstabilität auf. PA 6,12 wird unter anderem in der Automobilindustrie, für Beschichtungen, Klebstoffe und Textilien verwendet.


The use of DDDA in polyester applications offers desirable properties such as improved strength, durability, chemical resistance as well as thermal stability.

Powder coatings:

Dodecanedioic acid is used as a crosslinker in powder coatings. Powder coatings provide durability, corrosion resistance and an attractive finish. DC12 contributes to the formation of cross-linked polymers during the curing process, which improves the properties of powder coatings.

Corrosion inhibitors:

DDDA is used as a corrosion inhibitor in various industries, including oil and gas industry, metalworking and water treatment. It forms a protective film on metal surfaces to prevent corrosion.


DC12 can be esterified to produce dodecane diesters, which are used as plasticizers in polymers and resins. These plasticizers improve the flexibility, processability and durability of materials.

Personal care products:

DDDA und ihre Derivate werden bei der Herstellung von Körperpflegeprodukten wie Shampoos, Conditionern und Hautcremes verwendet. Sie können als Weichmacher, Feuchthaltemittel und Konditionierungsmittel wirken und feuchtigkeitsspendende und weichmachende Wirkungen haben.

Chemical intermediates:

Dodecanedioic acid serves as a valuable chemical intermediate for the synthesis of various compounds, including pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and specialty chemicals.

The applications of dodecanedioic acid are not limited to the areas mentioned above.


  • Chemical is REACH registered.


  • Polymers

  • Fibers

  • Adhesives

  • Lubricants

  • Corrosion inhibitors

  • Powder coatings

  • Crosslinkers

  • Fragrances


  • 25 kg bags

  • 500 kg or 1000 kg Big Bags


  • ADR/RID: No dangerous goods

  • IMDG: No dangerous goods

  • IATA: No dangerous goods


Store in a cool and dark place. If stored properly, the shelf life is at least three years.

The above information as well as technical and other data are for general information purposes only and do not constitute advice in specific cases. They are based on the current knowledge and experience of Corvay Specialty Chemicals GmbH, Hanover. Corvay Specialty Chemicals GmbH does not assume any liability for the correctness, completeness, up-to-dateness or quality of the information and data provided. Corvay Specialty Chemicals GmbH reserves the right to make changes to the information at any time, without prior or subsequent notice. Corvay Specialty Chemicals GmbH disclaims all representations and warranties, whether express or implied, with respect to the foregoing information. In particular, Corvay Specialty Chemicals assumes no responsibility for the suitability of the product for any particular application or its merchantability. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to verify and evaluate this. No rights may be derived from the contents of this product data sheet